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Signs that your business needs to adopt a multi-cloud strategy

Industry estimates show that many companies use an average of eight clouds to meet the differing needs of the workplace. Multi-cloud adoption is getting more and more popular in the industry and has been implemented across many businesses. Organizations adopt multi-cloud strategy for many reasons.  Security and the varying degrees of support from providers are just some of them. 

In this article we are going to discuss how do you know if the time to adopt a multi-cloud strategy has come for your business.  

  1. Differing Needs

Firstly, we are going to start with the above mentioned “differing needs”. Developers’ needs vary significantly from the needs of the back-office production systems and other parts of the organization. Some clouds give the developers fast start times for their virtual servers and low rates for small instances. Developers want to deliver code fast but doing so might affect the security and the compliance review in their cloud settings. If necessary, developers should be required to use a cloud provider that matches existing security requirements.  

  1. Geo-Location selection

Even if all cloud providers were at equal distance from your headquarters, not all of them will supply an equal number of facilities around the world in the locations that you are interested in. Using a multi-cloud, you can mix a primary provider with a second-tier provider which may have facilities in places you would like to be. At SkyFlok we have realized the importance of geo-location and this is why we are giving you the opportunity to take full control over your data’s geo location by selecting the location of the cloud where your client data is stored.  

  1. Need for higher speed

Which cloud service provider is closest to you and has the highest speed? Once an application is running in the cloud, it will experience the latencies imposed by distance between the cloud server and end-users of that application. Cloud providers are not able to build data centers close to every metropolitan area. But if you have a latency-sensitive application, then you may want to put it in a cloud center that’s close to you or one associated with your existing telecom provider who can provide a high speed direct link.

  1. Easy Control

Small companies usually have limited IT staff and limited time to invest.  If you want to use more than one public cloud service, you may need to find out how all your cloud workloads can be configured and deployed from a single management interface, using the same procedures each time. SkyFlok has enabled access to different clouds through a single application, a move that is designed to make multi-cloud use more practical and manageable.

  1. Security

Security has always been one of the biggest concerns in cloud computing. All the risks to sensitive data associated with outsourcing apply to cloud computing and there is no doubt that such an important data must be protected.  Ransomware attack, data breaches, data loss, account hijacking are all potential threats for your valuable files.  At SkyFlok we take security to a much higher level. Our new technology gives no chance to any hacker or attack to get to your data. Your files are fully protected from all existing threats.  

Want to learn more about SkyFlok? Contact us at or give us a call at +45 22 62 86 20.  


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